Estimated read time: 1-2 minutes
THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY – Sometimes in life, it's helpful to see others accomplish something that has been eluding us.
You might be sitting at the skate park, dejected by your 2,000th failed attempt at a Frontside 540. In this dark moment, you actually begin to think the trick is impossible and you've been a fool to even try it. Then, a spunky 7-year-old rolls by and does a Frontside 540.
Desperate to not be outdone by this kid, you go back out there and finally make it happen.
Or you've been reading "War and Peace" for two decades but have never been able to finish the massive book. Then, after your neighbor casually mentions that they took "War and Peace" on their recent vacation and it was a "perfect beach read," you decide that if they can finish it on a week-long trip, then you can definitely finish it by the end of the year.
And you do.
So, if any of you are in need of a little motivation, check out this amazing video from Russia:
This woman is 75 years old — and she's as cool as a cucumber as she prepares to go somersaulting off a 700-foot cliff. It's incredible to watch her disappear into the distance, knowing that she still has that determined look on her face. I'll bet nothing in the world could faze her.
Anyhow, watching her expertly execute this bungee jumping stunt makes me think that the sky really is the limit. Now, if I could only remember where I left my copy of "War and Peace", I swear I'll finish it.
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