Emily Fonnesbeck

How to head into summer with a positive body image
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted May 28 - 8:36 p.m.
If you're anticipating more trips to the pool, it may put more focus on your appearance and make you feel more self-conscious about your body. Here's how to support a positive body image during the summer months and beyond.

Stressed out? Try improving these 3 areas of self-care
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted April 28 - 8:35 p.m.
It's during stressful times that we often neglect our own self-care, which only makes us less resilient. Here are three self-care essentials that will make sure your basic needs are being met.

7 quick, kid-friendly lunch recipes from registered dietitians
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted March 26 - 8:35 p.m.
When life gets stressful and chaotic, food gets stressful and chaotic, too. Here are seven quick and easy lunch ideas to help with that.

How to encourage a loved one to seek help if you suspect an eating disorder
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Feb. 26 - 1:45 p.m.
It's hard to know how to approach a loved one you suspect may be struggling with an eating disorder. Here are some things specialists suggest you keep in mind when you do.

3 principles for managing Type 2 diabetes
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Jan. 29 - 2:31 p.m.
Being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes can feel overwhelming and scary. Here are four principles to keep in mind as you learn how to manage your blood glucose levels.

New Year’s resolutions: 4 things to consider before making health, nutrition goals
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Dec. 31 - 8:33 p.m.
It’s easy to blame yourself when you don't follow through on New Year's resolutions. However, it may not be you; it might just be your goal. It’s probably either unrealistic or you're trying to tackle too much too soon.

This is the best holiday eating advice you'll ever get
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Nov. 26 - 8:36 p.m.
The holiday season brings an abundance of food, which may feel overwhelming to some. It's easy to fall into all-or-nothing, extreme behaviors around food, but there's a secret to avoiding that.

A dietitian's guide to raising a body-positive child
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Oct. 29 - 8:25 p.m.
It is possible to raise resilient, body-positive kids even in our thin-obsessed culture. Helping a child respect and feel confident about his or her body is no small feat, but it's definitely possible. Here are three tips to help.

How to care about what you eat — but not too much
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Sept. 24 - 8:32 p.m.
It's possible to care about eating well without feeling overly preoccupied and worried about food. In addition to what you know, here are four mindset shifts that can help you care about what you eat without caring too much.

Use this flexible structure to find balance with food
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Aug. 27 - 8:40 p.m.
It's easy to be tempted by extremes, but implementing a flexible structure with food can allow you to find health, wellness and balance.

10 things registered dietitians wish you knew about nutrition
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted July 24 - 8:40 p.m.
When it comes to nutrition, there are a lot of opinions, ideas and personal experiences shared among friends — whether in conversations, at gatherings or on social media. But here are 10 things nutrition experts want you to know.

How to make mealtimes more enjoyable for your family
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted June 26 - 8:30 p.m.
Family mealtimes are important, but it can feel tricky to know what to serve, how to serve it, and how to keep meal times positive. Here are some tips to help you.

How to raise kids who can properly feed themselves, respect their bodies
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted May 29 - 8:43 p.m.
At the heart of feeding concerns is a misunderstanding, or lack of belief, that kids can effectively self-moderate their food choices. Children will naturally create nutritionally adequate food patterns as long as they aren't pressured into it.

Your food cravings are telling you something
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted April 24 - 8:05 p.m.
You may find your cravings have wisdom. They can teach you a lot actually, if you’ll let them. Here's a list of possibilities of what they are trying to tell you.

Calories in vs. calories out: Is there more to that equation?
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted March 27 - 8:34 p.m.
For years, health professionals have tried to boil nutrition down to calories in and calories out, particularly when discussing concerns about weight. It seems appealing to make it that clear-cut but is it accurate?

Dietitians share what they wish more people knew about eating disorders
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Feb. 26 - 8:42 p.m.
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is February 25-March 3. This year's theme "Come As You Are" sends a message to individuals at all stages of body acceptance and eating disorder recovery that their stories are valid and need to be heard.

Science says you aren't addicted to food — but you might feel like you are. Here's why
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Jan. 17 - 8:38 p.m.
The theory of food addiction is controversial. Despite what mainstream media or mosts health gurus have led us to believe, the research to date is inconclusive. But your struggles with food are valid. Here are some things to consider.

7 principles of true healthy eating
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Dec. 20 - 8:38 p.m.
Navigating the current nutrition landscape can feel very confusing. Everyone has a different idea of what “healthy eating” looks like. Here are seven basics for identifying nutritious food patterns.

A holiday food survival guide
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Nov. 22 - 8:03 p.m.
The holidays come with a lot to celebrate, which could mean an abundance of food. If you feel overwhelmed with food during this time of the year, here are three tools to put you in charge of your food choices.

Why feeling satisfied with food is an important solution
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Oct. 18 - 8:39 p.m.
People tend to run scared of satisfaction, equating it with overeating. However, avoiding satisfaction is exactly what can often lead to overeating.

Quick, easy, family-friendly recipes for busy weeknights
Emily Fonnesbeck KSL.com Contributor | Posted Sept. 20 - 7:33 p.m.
School is in and weeknights are now full of homework, practices, lessons and commitments. Evenings may feel rushed and chaotic and it's easy for dinner to feel that way too. Here are recipes that will nourish your family with little time commitment.