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5 tips to help you survive daylight saving

5 tips to help you survive daylight saving


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In case you just had a mini heart attack, don't worry, this is the good daylight saving. The kind, gentle, daylight saving, that allows you to fall back into bed. You're safe now. Proceed without caution.

On November 5, you'll gain an extra hour. And while sleeping more is certainly a tempting, cozy choice, perhaps you can use this extra hour to get back on track.

Here are five tips from Noorda College of Osteopathic medical students — experts on time management — for maximizing daylight savings.

1. Rip that band-aid off — immediately!

Everyone has an item on their to-do list that they're dreading. Noorda-COM medical students recommend that you start your day with a quick, simple task to build momentum and then jump into whatever you're least looking forward to.

5 tips to help you survive daylight saving
Photo: Noorda-COM

2. Ask a robot for help

Feeling overwhelmed? There's a AI for that! Noorda students found that there are general (or time management-specific) AI tools that can categorize tasks for you, build out a complicated schedule, or assist in other scheduling needs.

If you're struggling to seize the day, try recruiting an AI tool to help organize your responsibilities.

3. Ditch your daily to-do list for a weekly one

Noorda-COM students take an equivalent of 36 credit hours per semester. (A typical undergrad student takes 12.) Their days are packed with watching pre-recorded lectures with peers in Noorda-COM learning pods, completing anatomy and OMM lab assignments, studying for board exams, and working with their research team. That doesn't even include basic wellness tasks and other personal responsibilities.

That's why they recommend creating a weekly to-do list. It reduces discouragement and helps you mentally prepare for the activities — and uncertainties — of the week.

5 tips to help you survive daylight saving
Photo: Noorda-COM

4. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel

Some people really are journalling people. Don't ignore the urge to dash into your local craft store and purchase that planner you've had your eye on! According to a study from Dominican University in California, you're 42% more likely to complete your goals if you've written them down.

Research (and success stories from medical students) reaffirm that physically recording your schedule can help solidify a routine.

5. Break up with multi-tasking

Multi-tasking — also called "multi-failing" — isn't very effective, according to Cleveland Clinic. Noorda-COM medical students recommend that you eliminate distractions and devote your entire focus to a single task. (And a break counts as a task, too! Rest is only restorative if it's uninterrupted.)

Whether you decide to implement these tips now or on November 6, Noorda students are confident that these suggestions will propel you into a more contented and productive mindset. And who knows, your newfound skills could send you back to school or into MCAT prep! The sky's the limit.

5 tips to help you survive daylight saving
Photo: Noorda-COM

About Noorda-COM

Located in Provo, Utah, Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine (Noorda-COM) offers an innovative approach to medical education. Through its blend of small group learning, advanced laboratory and research opportunities, and an overarching focus on student wellness, Noorda-COM is molding the next generation of competent, confident, and compassionate osteopathic physicians.

(Noorda-COM is a private, proprietary institution. An independent governing Board of Trustees oversees Noorda-COM. The Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation granted Noorda-COM Pre-Accreditation status in December 2020.)

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