Community rallies to help Montana veteran's hunt

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HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Sgt. Brian Messersmith tells his story in the calm and direct way you'd expect from a solider.

He spares few details about the terrible things that happen in war and the events that left him twice wounded and took the lives of many of his fellow soldiers. But his story is also one of his recovery and his lifelong desire to serve others, from his decision to enlist to his plan for a post-military career.

As word of Messersmith's story began to circulate, supporters came out in droves to celebrate his recovery in classic Montana style: by taking him hunting and getting his first elk and mule deer.

The 22-year-old Idaho native enlisted in the U.S. Army with his best friend Josh Williams. After basic training he had a choice to either attend Army Ranger School or deploy to Afghanistan. He chose to deploy, wanting to be there for his guys, he said.

Messersmith's first injury came in June of 2013. A suicide bomber hit his unit of 26, killing two and leaving all but 12 unable to return to the field. He suffered a traumatic brain injury in the form of a severe concussion when a bullet hit and wrapped around his helmet.

With the squad depleted, he soon returned to the field. Less than three months later, Messersmith was traveling in the last vehicle of a convoy when a rocket hit. His squad leader sitting next to him was killed, and he again suffered a traumatic brain injury, this time impacting his mobility.

Doctors were able to stabilize Messersmith in Afghanistan. He was then transported to Germany for treatment, and finally to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland.

Messersmith received two Purple Hearts, an Army Commendation medal and an Army Commendation with Valor medal for his service and injuries. He is also waiting on paperwork to see if he will receive a Bronze Star for Valor, he said.

Messersmith spent the next seven months doing physical therapy regaining his ability to walk, and undergoing five eye surgeries that have left him legally blind in his right eye. His left arm suffered nerve damage, needing surgery and more physical therapy and sapping nearly all of his arm strength.

"I already had the hunt planned and couldn't even pick up a rifle, and I'm thinking, 'How am I going to be able to do this hunt?'" he said.

Further complicating the hunt for the right-handed Messersmith was having to relearn to shoot left-handed. Fortunately he had a bit of a head start.

"It wasn't too hard to learn," he said. "We shoot qualifications in the military and I tried qualifying left-handed (before deployment), so I did practice a little bit."

His new shooting style meant a need for a new rifle, and Messersmith had taken an interest in long-range shooting.

Whaley Precision Rifles of Idaho got to work building a left-handed .338 Edge, and with donations the rifle came at no charge. During the build, Williams' father, Joe Ulrich, called to consult with Townsend-area long-range shooter Jeff Brozovich, who also manages the G Bar T Ranch near Townsend and runs the website, setting in motion a series of events that would bring Messersmith to Montana for his hunt.

"The ranch is hunted by family and friends, but we'd talked about taking a veteran out when Joe called and this came together," Brozovich said.

Owner of the G Bar T, David Greytak, was excited for Messersmith to come out and hunt, he said.

Brozovich reached out on his website and to classmates from his high school in Iowa. There was an outpouring of support that financed the whole hunt from tags to travel, with the ranch offering the location, he said.

As word spread around Townsend, others offered their own donations. By the time Messersmith arrived in Montana, Big Sky Country Taxidermy offered taxidermy services, Ed Chamberlin and Tim Rauser supplied meat processing and Bruce Christiansen agreed to make jewelry from the elk ivories. American Patriot Storage, the U.S. Army Special Forces Association and many people around Broadwater County also made donations.

"Everyone is just elated to be involved and give Brian a pretty neat hunt," Brozovich said. "There hasn't been a negative thing about it since the word 'Go.'"

Messersmith had done some bear and whitetail deer hunting back home, but never personally hunted elk or mule deer.

"It's definitely incredible for me," Messersmith said. "I did a little bit of elk hunting with my cousin in Idaho, but it's nothing like it was here. It wouldn't have been possible without the support from everyone."

The hunt began Saturday, Nov. 23, with elk as the first priority. Finding elk was not the problem, but locating a legal bull proved challenging.

"There were elk on three sides of us which was incredible, but no bull so we had to sneak and back out of there," Messersmith said. "The second day, there were still elk everywhere but it was way too windy."

The highlight of the second day was seeing a five-point bull, and the crew returned the third day determined to relocate him.

That morning they found the bull in a larger group of elk, and Messersmith squeezed off a successful shot.

Mule deer were the next on the agenda.

"We weren't seeing many bucks, and the reason we found out was because they were bedded down in the sage," Messersmith said.

After passing on a few small bucks, a larger buck stood from the sagebrush and he again connected with a single shot.

Reflecting on the hunt and all he has been through, Messersmith joked that he is a 22-year-old retiree now looking to start a new career. With a body that may be beat up but still able, he intends to enroll in college in Idaho to pursue a degree in physical therapy.

"A lot of unfortunate things happen and in the path of life things happen for a reason," he said. "After going through physical therapy for a long time, it's something I want to pursue to keep providing service for people."


Information from: Independent Record,

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