Giving what was lost and 4 other moments of kindness

Giving what was lost and 4 other moments of kindness

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SALT LAKE CITY — Each week, readers send in moments of service and kindness that have touched their hearts.

You share stories from a child who sees a need and fills it to giving the shirt off your back for a stranger, and we are inspired by the charity in the world.

So, thank you readers, for telling us your experiences. We look forward to sharing more.

Shawn M.

On giving what was lost:

“While at work at the post office I had just made a lobby sweep and picked up the trash left behind by customers when I was approached by one of our window clerks. She asked if I had found a $20 bill by the front counter.

“I walked up to the front to see and there was an elderly lady distraught because the cash was to pay for her postage. We looked around and never found it. She was adamant to write it off due to embarrassment. I learned the next day she returned two times looking to see if we had found it.

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Have you seen any moments of service or kindness? Do you want to share a story about something that made your day? Email a brief story (100 words or fewer) along with any photos or video to

“The second time she returned, just at closing, two of our clerks each took out $10 of their own money and gave it to the lady. It made my day that I work with these two people.”

Raquel W.

On setting the example of service:

“While driving my daughters to school one cold, rain day, we passed a homeless man with only a black garbage bag to keep dry and warm. Without a word or warning I drove around the block, took off my favorite oversized hoodie and gave it to the man. He smiled and thanked me. I did not realize my daughter took this photo until later that day when she posted on Facebook about it. I did what I felt was right to help that man, what I did not know is in doing so I made my impression on mankind through my children. Since that day, my girls give to anyone in need, be it a smile or clothing or water. They give. To me that means there is hope for mankind and it lies in our children through our examples.”

Brianda C.

On a generous gift to an expectant mother:

"A couple of years ago I was working as a server at a Denny's in Ogden. I was pregnant with my daughter and was working my last day before I left on maternity leave when one of our regulars, who usually goes in every Saturday morning just for coffee, handed me a check for $1,000 and told me he wanted me to have it. I was thrilled and so thankful! I had a really bad year and that money really came in handy. After I had my daughter I never went back to work for Denny's, but I will forever be grateful to this sweet man."

Cherisse S.

On keeping a child safe:

"In February 2011 my husband and I were waiting for a train after finishing up with a grocery trip. We had with us our 15-month-old daughter in a stroller, our 2-year-old son holding our hands and our 6-year-old son holding onto the stroller, which had grocery bags hanging off either handle.


"As the train pulled up, our 6-year-old rushed to push the button and hurried onto the train as my husband and I struggled to get everything in. In what seemed like seconds, the doors closed us out. Despite pushing the button, the doors didn't open, and before I knew it the train was pulling away with my son inside. At this point we were panicking, so I called UTA while my husband called the police. While I was on the phone with the operator, she told me that a woman had called the police from inside of the train after noticing my son on the train by himself.

"The police met her at the next stop with my 6-year-old, my husband took our daughter home, and I took our 2-year-old to go meet up with my son and the woman who found him. When we got there she was very polite and it was clear that she had kept my son safe from harm. Of all the people who could have taken my son, I am so glad that this angel was the person that found him. At the time I issued sincere thank yous but never felt I was able to adequately express my appreciation for rescuing us. I am so grateful for her, our unsung angel.

"Ma'am, if you happen to read this: You will never know how scared I was about what could have happened, and I am so thankful for you and what you did for us. Thank you for stepping in and keeping my son safe. Words will never be enough to express my gratitude."

Andrew H.

On helping a stranded cyclist:

"I got a flat tire while cycling when I was 15 miles away from home and it was too early to go to a bike shop. I started walking, hoping for another cyclist to help me out. Instead, a man named Don stopped in his truck and drove me all the way home. It was so nice to see his kindness and willingness to help. Made me want to be more willing to serve. Thanks Don!"

Have you seen any moments of service or kindness? Do you want to share a story about something that made your day? Email a brief story (100 words or fewer) along with any photos or video to

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