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Historical Weather Data for May 19
Average high temperature during the last 30 years
72° F
Average low temperature during the last 30 years
48° F
Chance measureable precipitation will occur (for the
24 hour period. For any 6 hr. period, chances are about 1/2 that shown)
Time sun is first seen in east if there were no mountains.
(the sky gets light about 25 minutes before this.)
6:07 AM
Time sun is last seen in west if there were no mountains.
(the sky stays light about 25 minutes after this.)
8:41 PM
Average Temperatures
1:00 am
56° F
2:00 am
54° F
3:00 am
53° F
4:00 am
53° F
5:00 am
52° F
6:00 am
51° F
7:00 am
48° F
8:00 am
52° F
9:00 am
55° F
10:00 am
59° F
11:00 am
62° F
12:00 pm
64° F
1:00 pm
66° F
2:00 pm
68° F
3:00 pm
69° F
4:00 pm
69° F
5:00 pm
70° F
6:00 pm
72° F
7:00 pm
69° F
8:00 pm
68° F
9:00 pm
65° F
10:00 pm
61° F
11:00 pm
59° F
12:00 pm
57° F
This Day in Weather History: May 19
In 1957, strong winds in Weber County flattened a barn, blew the roof off a house toppled trees and blew down utility poles. Also, torrents of rain produced 1.4 inches of rain in Brigham City and 1.08 inches in Salt Lake City. In 2003, record cold hit the state with Randolph at 14 degrees and Logan at 26 degrees.